
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

God's Tithe & Our Offering

We practice tithing for the support of Christ’s body, the church, as God commands. We recognize that giving 10% of our income is the Biblical starting point for giving. Generosity is an act of worship.

Gods first choice has always been to partner with people to accomplish His purposes on earth. And while resources are required to bring vision to life, it's not money God is ultimately after, but our hearts. It just so happens that the two are intertwined, just like it says in Matthew 6:21, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

In the Christian tradition, giving is divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. Tithing is when you give the first tenth of all you receive back to God through your local church. An offering is anything you give above & beyond your tithe.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Give In Person

Mail A Check

501 N Front Street Montezuma, IA 50171 

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